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Hey God,
I’ve started this bizarre little Lutheran brand thingy. I want it to make much of you. While my methods may be uncouth and my eloquence lacking, I ask that you use it in some small way to bring glory to yourself.
To be honest, I’d really enjoy the renown of building something meaningful or successful for myself. I would love for people to associate my name with greatness. Would you kill these illusions of self importance in me?
It hurts my ego to say this, but let people see only you. In the humor and the seriousness, in the wisdom and the foolishness. If they see me, they will only find sin and death. Only you have the words of eternal life.
Thanks, God, for giving me this outlet. This narrow backstreet of your kingdom to minister in. Help me be faithful with this one talent entrusted for a time to your lowest of servants. Let me not bury it in the hole of self consciousness and fear.
Let it multiply. Let it be a small, misshapen stone in your church. Let it shine your light before men, that they would see the truth and believe.
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