“I Messed Up” Vinyl Sticker

I messed up. You messed up. We all done messed up. Self-justification is a damned curse. It’s an absolutely miserable way to live. It’s harder than trying to convince yourself you like to eat your vegetables. Besides, it’s an insufficient fix for how shameful we feel when we do wrong. For some of us, self justifying is the only hope …

“Come and Eat Breakfast” Vinyl Sticker

As I hear the heavenly crunch of my corn-based sugar-covered breakfast cereal against my molars, I can picture myself breaking my morning fast with Jesus and his disciples on the shore of the Galilee Sea. This design started as a joke but turned into something far more profound. When I first discovered this passage, I thought it was hilarious that …

“Rip & Sip” Vinyl Sticker

Partake in Jesus’ body and blood—COVID style! The Lord’s Supper is no mere church tradition. Christ himself attaches to it the promise to forgive sins. That’s kind of a big deal. During the COVID years, many churches used prepackaged communion wafer/juice units in order to continue observing this important ritual in a sanitary way. As a grown man, I had …

“Ask Me About My Conversion Experience” Vinyl Sticker

Display your confidence in God’s saving grace with this durable vinyl sticker, challenging your baptist and non-denominational friends to ask you about your own conversion experience in baptism. What do you say when someone asks you how long you’ve been a Christian? If you grew up in a Lutheran household, this can be a stressful question to answer—especially if you …

“Slow Organ Is a Sin” Vinyl Sticker

Church music doesn’t have to be funeral music. The one that started it all. This sticker—and thus the Young Lutherans brand—was inspired by one very somber Palm Sunday. Nothing celebrates Jesus’ triumphal entry quite like Easter hymns sung with the speed and gusto of a funeral dirge. If your church is like many Lutheran churches, the electric organ is played …